The concept of Karma had been an old age debate. Each school
of thought had in time past and even now presented differing ideas of what
Karma might be. A well known generally held idea on Karma is that of direct
divine retribution, justice is always served to the guilty person. Or should we
say the bullet bounces off the wall back to the shooter, or better still we can
argue that those who kill by the sword dies by the sword. Such accordance of
justice satisfies our conscience since the same measure of guilt is given
to the guilty individual. At the same hand, we wholeheartedly accept the idea
that the opposite also applies, which is, virtue is quickly rewarded with
virtue. But is karma all about direct justice and divine retribution?
Karma may not be all about retribution as most believe, it
is more than just a repayment to get things squared up. It is not a tit for tat
affair neither is it an eye for an eye, such dampens the spirit since the
offended watches for a direct pay back on the offender- for example, a fellow looses $500,000 dollars
to a conman. The fellow helplessly watches out for divine retribution on the
conman. He expects a tit for tat divine retribution, his $500,000 to the con
artists $1000000. But when this does not happen after a time he may sink into
depression and despair or decide to become the man that duped him.
Someone who believes all ills he suffers are as a result of
Karma might suffer undue hardship. The situation he wallows in maybe one that
requires him to only raise his head in order to disperse the ills but his
believe that the divine has at last gotten up to him and now dishing him a cold
plate of retribution will hold him down. We might view this fellow as a lazy
one who uses Karma as an excuse for his failures. To this person the divine
decrees retribution and no one alters it.
Not all ills are Karma related. From time immemorial,
troubles have always retained their roots on earth. Life is simply filled with
ups and downs, one day on the mountain and the other day at the foot of the
mountain. The ups and downs maybe learning situations seriously needed for
refining an individual thus making him fit for greater disposition.
Karma maybe associated to compensation more than retribution.
Each day we found it harder to avoid hurting others, an average human being is
strongly tempted each day to lash out verbally on his fellow man. As beings of
emotions and strongly predisposed to injure others both physically and
otherwise, karma expects us to live daily compensating others we might have
wronged. A simple ‘sorry’ or better still, giving back that we wrongly took
will go a long way in keeping our hearts in peace. Karma also expects us to
compensate others for the good we receive from them- this does not mean we
should expect compensation equally from those we show goodness. We can relate
this to the Bible where there is an instruction to do good to those who hate
you. Now we see the wrongness of tit for tat, Karma is more of compensation
than retribution. We find the expectation of good for good or good for bad in
nature. A heavy smoker continues to endanger his heart while the heart fights
tooth and nail in order to keep the fellow alive. Man seeks each day to destroy
nature through his acts yet nature compensates him with the good its depleted
store room can afford.
But is retribution totally off the picture whenever karma is
presented? A school of thought teaches that whatever one does will definitely comeback
at some measure after a long time if the fellow remains in the path. Do evil
continually and after a while it will bounce back on you. Newton said in his
laws that every action leads to a reaction. This action and reaction is not
only positioned on the retribution side of karma, in fact one's goodness towards
others accumulates and explodes just as evil does. A governor who rules with no
regard for his followers will definitely live in fear for his life. He will not
venture out of his house without adequate security. The reverse is the case for
a governor who rules in love. We must then establish the fact that retribution
tarries and may take many years before it takes effect. The Christians will say
that God is long-suffering while the esoteric believes the retribution aspect of
Karma does not set in until the offender is drunk of his wrong doings.
Even when retribution does set in, it does not mean your
hurts makes life nonsense. It is said those things you missed may have been
replaced by the things you gained. No wonder Christians believe one must continue
to be thankful to God no matter his situation. The esoteric have this saying “no man had ever a defect that was not
somewhere made useful to him.”
Karma is a cause and effect mechanism which allows us to
adjust our behavior towards others. It affords us a practical guideline on what
to expect in our daily association with others. We must learn to compensate
others for the ills we caused them, we are also expected to compensate others
for the good they’ve given us.
Karma will become personal when we apply the laws of
retribution and compensation as established on ourselves. What we do to ourselves
will light up our personal karma. Just like the illustration above, the heart
of a smoker daily seeks to compensate the smoker even though all it receives
are ills. Remember that retribution sets in after some time thus nature will definitely
establish its laws.
We must live each day compensating those we have wronged and
asking for their forgiveness. How we treat ourselves is essential for our
healthiness. Again karma is found even in our relationship with nature around
us- the trees we cut down, heavy industrial usage/wastes, pollution of water
bodies etc. all have their effects on us after a long time. We can always avoid
retribution from others when we embrace the spirit of moderation and compensation.