Thursday 12 July 2018



Apart from the tubers of sweet potato the leaves are also edible. The leaves of sweet potato are well parked with minerals (sodium, potassium, aluminum, boron, copper, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and sulphur), vitamins ( vitamin C, A, K thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and folic acid), antioxidants, dietary fibers and many other nutrients.


The leaves of sweet potato contain a good amount of vitamin K. vitamin K helps to prevent artery calcification which is one of the main causes of heart attacks. It also helps in the reduction of inflammation of arteries and veins. An adequate intake of vitamin K helps to maintain a healthy blood pressure and also reduces the risk of cardiac arrest.


Cavities and gum problems results from intake of food low in vitamin C, A, D and K. foods rich in fat soluble vitamins is needed to prevent gum diseases and tooth decay. Such foods also plays vital role in mineralisation of teeth and bones. Leaves of sweet potato are rich in the above minerals, regular intake of sweet potato leaves can help keep the teeth strong and healthy. The leaves are also rich in minerals which also help in the elimination of bacteria present in the mouth and teeth. Vitamin K works with other vitamins and minerals to eradicate bacteria that damage the tooth enamel. Sweet potato leaves also helps in maintenance of strong teeth by providing adequate amount of mineral.


Vitamin K is needed in the body for the maintenance of calcium in bones thus reducing the chances of osteoporosis. Vitamin K is an essential constituent needed in the use calcium to form bones. Studies have shown that high and regular intake of vitamin K can help prevent bone loss in osteoporosis patient. For postmenopausal women, vitamin K reduces the chances of bone fracture. Vitamin K2 also found in sweet potato reduces the chances of hip fracture by about 60%. This is proved by the conjunction of vitamin K and vitamin D in enhancing the density of bones. Consumption foods high in vitamin K such as sweet potato can help injured patients recover broken bones.


Vitamin K in sweet potato leaves regulates certain hormones needed for blood clot such as thrombin. It lowers PMS cramps and pain in the process. Vitamin K achieves this by increasing the level of blood clotting thus preventing excessive menstrual bleeding. Over bleeding during menstruation can cause more pain and cramps. Deficiency of vitamin K can worsen the cramps and pain, regular intake of food high in vitamin K such as sweet potato leaves is recommended.


Since the leaves of sweet potato are high in vitamin K which is required for blood clotting, it is highly needed in the healing process of wounds. When blood doesn’t clot properly death may occur due to excessive loss of blood even from small wounds.


“Just like the tuber, sweet potato leaves are well packed with vitamin A. the vitamin A present in the leaves can help prevent macular degeneration which is a major cause of blindness” reports health benefit times.  Study has shown that intake of food rich in vitamin c, vitamin A, zinc, vitamin E and copper such as sweet potato can help reduce the chances of macular degeneration by 25%. Vitamin A can also help slow down the development of various eyes diseases such as Stargardt’s disease which leads to vision loss in young people.

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