Sunday 28 October 2018

YOU ARE MAGNIFICENT AND NOBLE(why you need self-esteem)


Through life we ask ourselves mind searching questions. This may be due to one or two mistakes, or what we perceive as a shortcoming. How many times do we ask these questions? How worthy am I? Am I doing enough to succeed? Will I even succeed in life? Can I handle this new job? Am I ready to pass this exam?

We all battle with the idea we are not good enough in life. How fast we are to point out a certain perceived defect and that becomes our excuse. We spend quality time in thoughts of goodwill channeled towards us, yet we perceive our suppose inabilities strongly at the same time. The elements or vibrations created during your thoughts of goodness and success surely come in conflict with low self-esteem.  These conflicts halt every march to success because we failed to take the next step out of our own making. Self-esteem is needed for a healthy, energy-filled and prosperous life. One becomes filled with more energy, wisdom and self knowledge when there is self-esteem. Not only this, the listed qualities are not dormant but actively propel the individual who exhibit self-esteem.
I read somewhere that psychologists have proved that attractive people succeed and are likely to occupy top professions in the world. People are drawn to these attractive people both consciously and otherwise. This is a scientific fact but the problem is the definition of attractive. When I write of attractiveness I don’t mean physical beauty. To better understand let’s look at the following analogy; would you choose to become friends with a successful businessperson with business outlets in five different countries who may not be that physically endowed?  Or become friends with a beautiful person with no direction in life? Attractiveness surpasses physical beauty. Doctors, lawyers, successful business persons, sports men and women, geneticists and other successful endeavors are seen to be attractive. Self-esteem which draws breath from being attractive is all about packaging and the worth one is able to offer. The above individuals draw people towards them because they have found a reason to increase their self-esteem.

 No two humans are the same. Each of us is unique and filled with a set of awesome qualities. I have met people who say they posses no talents. Well, the good news is that all of us have special abilities and talents whether we want it or not. There is something each of us has that the world need but many are yet to search within to find who they are truly. As much as we all have wonderful talents so do we have shortcomings too. The person you envy is just like you. You see his talents but have failed to see his shortcomings while you see your own shortcomings but turned blind eye to your own abilities and talents. We are similar in making but differ in what we bring to the table. Our talents and abilities are meant to fill a void or longings thus we can rightfully say we live a complementary life. A poor talker is a good listener, while the fast and loud talker makes life easy going. A quiet individual shows sympathy and encourages while the party type removes moody atmosphere. Now we can strongly proclaim the usability and importance of each one cannot be over emphasized. When you hide yourself because you think life cheated you, look again and you will find a niche life wants you to fill. We all are important in the scheme of life. When we embrace our uniqueness it become easier for us to turn up our worth and self-esteem.

Once a person enhances self-esteem, the individual must feel on top of the world and confident. We become attracted to such individual. Self-esteem allows us to approach problems without fear knowing we can succeed if we try. Most times we visualize outsiders as capable of solving our problems. We see the next man having the so called needed abilities to solve our problems. Because we look outside for that savior we fail to stimulate self to find ideas. When we believe in ourselves and truly look inwards, ideas and confidence will not only surface but spurn us into action. Only when we trust and believe in ourselves that we can be able to help others. It seems easier to trust in a being or an outsider as religious institutions have caused us to. This is now the time to have faith in our selves.

When we show great faith in ourselves, telling self how great you are, it is natural that the greatness we profess becomes real as we begin to have ideas, confidence and the ability to see problems from different perspective. This increases our chances of surmounting them as we no longer count ourselves failures or unworthy. YOU ARE WHAT YOU MAKE YOURSELF

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