Monday 24 December 2018

FORGOTTEN MIRACLES (A look into Africa's rich herbs and food part3)

FORGOTTEN MIRACLES continues with more exposition on how the older African generations survived to old age.  We shall take a look at certain herbal preparations that proved its efficacy in treating certain diseases.

Diabetes: Though little was known about this health condition decades ago,  however the older African generations prepared various medications which helped  manage and in some cases revert the conditions causing excess glucose in the blood. We now know the  blood can contain much insulin yet body cells may fail to utilize them in regulating blood sugar level. To the older generations, diabetes proved deadly no matter the type, of which they were oblivious.

Bitterleaf proved  its worth in managing diabetes. The herbal preparation required a mixture of bitter leaf juice and honey. The medication is taken two spoonful daily. Another herbal preparation for diabetes involve the use of paw paw. The fruit is first peeled then soaked for three days. One glass of the resulting water is taken three times daily. The third herbal medication for diabetes involve both Guava and scent leaf. The leaves of both plants are extracted and concocted, the concoction has immediate effect on the body glucose level.

Ulcer:  This health condition occurs when there are sores on the linings of the stomach. It is usually painful requiring quick relieves most times. Herbal preparations for this ailment was a priority ages ago because of sharp pain and discomfort associated with the condition.

The bark of Sugar cane is removed and cut into pieces. The pieces soaked in water for three days after which a glass of the water is taken three times a day.

Hypertension: This health condition is mockingly called the old man's company because it sets in as one ages. No matter how peaceful a community,  certain isolated incidents can lead to increase blood pressure among individuals of the community.  Africa's older generations had their fair share of the illness however they made provisions needed for its effective management.

Fresh leaves of waterleaf cut into pieces and then soaked for two days were effectively used in the management of hypertension. Half a glass of the liquid is taken twice before meal. Avocado leaves and Xylopia aethiopica were also used in preparation of potent medicine for hypertension.

Arthritis: In the previous parts of Forgotten Miracles we pointed out how  older generations were able to walk miles with great stamina and agility despite their age. Arthritis may not be very common among them but it does occur. Fruits of Xylopia aethiopica  and bitter leaf are mixed and ground, the paste is applied on the affected areas.

Cholera: This is common in Africa and for ages traditional medications has been used in kicking back the disease. The processed seeds of locust  bean are chewed by the patient, the extracted juice is then swallowed.

Whitlow: The treatment of Whitlow required the use of latex from paw paw plant. The latex is applied on the affected area daily, this causes the Whitlow to open leading to healing. Similar healing effect is also achieved by the use of lemon. A lemon fruit is cut open and a hole large enough to accommodate the affected finger is drilled. The affected finger is then inserted into the hole.

Yellow Fever: This is a viral infection common to Africa. The diseases is spread by an infected mosquito, the insect most at home in the tropics. This diseases has been around in Africa for a long time, each generation before the present one  had herbal mixtures specifically prepared for treating yellow fever. The symptoms of this disease including headache, fever, jaundice vomiting, muscle pain, nausea and fatigue. Coming across an infected person may be common in certain parts of Africa however succumbing to it is rare.

African peach, a plant highly medicinal has been used for ages in treating yellow fever. The root of the plant is soaked in water for three days, then the water is taken thrice daily.

Pile: This health condition results from swollen hemorrhoids inside the anus. It is very common in Nigeria. Pile is among health conditions widely and commonly treated using traditional medications. There are many different herbal preparations used in treating pile with resounding success. The powdered root of Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides  and juice of scent leaves are taken twice a day for one week. This treatment also helps in easing the pain until full recovery is attained. Another herbal preparation effective in treating pile is the use of lizard eggs. Four table spoons of palm oil are heated till a color change is noticed. Three lizard eggs are added to the oil and allowed to boil till they burst. The oil is brought down from the fire and stirred  till uniform mixture is achieved. The mixture is applied on the tip of the protruding anal part. The treatment continues for a week.

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